Archiv für die Kategorie 'Tales'

Tales, Tales, Tales, Tales


When your brain is blank, mind the gap. When you’re swamped, lay down. Explore the void, blank peace you are to have after you have accomplished of your own desires. Lay on your bed, and watch the ceiling. At first, it will be white – or whatever colour your ceiling has. But don’t worry, continue […]


They pass by

Locked in – that’s what you are. Everywhere around you, there is no escape. You can see it in the eyes of people passing by on the outside. They will glance at you, ignorantly or even full of pity. But besides staring, they don’t seem to be moved to action, not even being inspired to, […]



Some people like to be relentless travellers: Being an explorer is just part of your DNA. Last month it was the sierra, today you chose the calming seaside, and next week you’ll be on impressive mountains …  Incorporating the unique spots and meshes of emotions linked to each spot, you grow in proportion to the amount […]



When it’s summer and you happen to look out of the window, you’ll most probably raise your eyes to take a look at a million of green shades, along with some brown strokes of branches. A living light green there, a strong medium green there, and perhaps some teal green when you turn your head […]


Sunny Day

Yes, that cake tastes well. A sip of orange juice to it. The sun throws its rays on the opposite wall. Grandma hears the constant hum of a device. It’s quite warm. But cooler then outside. The humming is from an air conditioner. Nobody is talking. The fork waits for another bite of cake. No […]